朱唇劫经典影评; 但是整体来说多少还是有点闷很喜欢这种节奏和画面,虽然剧情不太能理解和接受,像是一杯白水,喝了也就喝了虽然有所谓的声影分离或者说是影像表达手段的再创造,但是这部电影已经很难称作一部电影了,故事情节推进的特别慢,而影片所想要表达的东西却仅仅在一瞬间就可以完成 1976美国剧情片《朱唇劫》剧情; Chris McCormick (Margaux Hemingway), a high fashion and cosmetics model is brutally raped by her younger sister’s music teacher, Gordon Stuart (Sarandon). After pleading not guilty to the crime and being found innocent by a jury, Stuart finds a new victim in Chris’s younger sister and his own student, Kathy (Mariel Hemingway). Now even more enraged by the recent turn of events, Chris takes matters into her own hands as she seeks revenge for the crimes committed against both herself and her sister月夜影视华东影院HD高清全集在线播放策驰影院是你看影视的不二选择。百度网盘无删减完整版在线观看,免VIP在线观看无广告高清影视。又名还没有上映的电影韩剧、泰剧、日漫等节目在线观看视频免费完整版。电视剧大全时下最热门的民当归影院月夜影视,是一个更新更全更受欢迎的影视网站。动作片、喜剧片、爱情片、搞笑片高清下载等超清的动作电影